
New Media Production and Distribution Company

Posts tagged movigmedia

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@AI_Friedman very excited for the fun meeting tomorrow!! Thank you!! meet George today camera left “geo fire” capture the moment in time! #safarihat moving the #paint magic! #paintbrush The American #landscapeartist #painting #artist #streetstyleartist #columbuscircle #centralpark # painters #painting #movigmedia my art project #lifestyle #stylshow #filming #webseries history #streetstyle #fashion #film #art #style #aifriedman #artstore #uws #madeinny #newyork #2001films

+ high-res version

@AI_Friedman very excited for the fun meeting tomorrow!! Thank you!! meet George today camera left “geo fire” capture the moment in time! #safarihat moving the #paint magic! #paintbrush The American #landscapeartist #painting #artist #streetstyleartist #columbuscircle #centralpark # painters #painting #movigmedia my art project #lifestyle #stylshow #filming #webseries history #streetstyle #fashion #film #art #style #aifriedman #artstore #uws #madeinny #newyork #2001films